Sunday, February 20, 2011

Extreme Dating

Having a boyfriend or girlfriend seems like a necessity for Koreans.  But dating here isn't quite like dating in the U.S.  The more serious you are, the more matchy-matchy your wardrobes become.  You know a couple is madly, deeply in love when they become identical twins.  Picture same colored shoes, same type of pant (generally jeans), and matching shirts or sweatshirts.  No, I'm not lying.  They actually match.  On purpose.

Being in a relationship doesn't just mean dressing the part (wow, big shocker here in Korea).  There are also a plethora of couples' holidays with their own rules and regulations.
11/11 - Pepero Day: The 1s look like a treat the Koreans eat called "Pepero."  It tastes and looks like a very skinny pretzel or breadstick that's covered in chocolate.  Both men and women exchange Pepero on this day.
12/25 - Christmas: Enough said.
1/1 - New Years:  Most couples don't kiss out in public, but on midnight all the lights Myong-dong (a popular shopping area and tourist attraction) are turned off so that all the couples who have gathered there can kiss without others seeing it.
2/14 - Valentine's Day: Only the women give men chocolate.
3/`4 - White Day: Only the men give women candy.
4/14 - Black Day: On this day, all single men and women go to Chinese restaurants and order "black noodles."  It's a yummy noodle dish with a black bean sauce poured over it.  Supposedly it's a way for the singles to mingle and hopefully find a significant other.
5/14 - Rose Day: All the men give their girlfriends roses.
6/14 - Ring Day: This is a big day for engagements, but both men and women will exchange rings.  Even those in middle and high school will exchange simple bands.
7/14 - Kiss Day: I think you get the pictures.
8/14 - Sex Day: Yep.  They have a day dedicated to sex.  I was totally shocked, too.

I believe September and October 14 both have special meanings attached to the date but Peter (my former Korean tutor) couldn't remember what they were.  I think all Americans would stop complaining about remembering and buying gifts for their significant other on their anniversaries and Valentine's Day if they knew what happened in Korea.  I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day!

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