I started my new P/T job two weeks ago and it's going really well. The school is only 3 minutes past ERC, so it's a quick walk from my apartment. I teach 4-7 year olds and they are adorable. Korean kids are so cute! I love my 7-year old class. There are four girls and three boys and I'm in love with all of them. Their English is pretty good and I want to adopt one of the girls - NagKyuen. She has the cutest dimples and wears these big bows in her hair. My six-year olds are great but their English isn't quite where it should be. There are only three girls and one boy, my smallest class at the school. They are pretty well behaved and think it's hilarious when I say things in Korean. I see my five-year olds twice a week and my four-year olds once a week. The fours are definitely a challenge. They don't understand most of what I say and I feel like I'm babysitting most of the time. Luckily, the classes are only 30 minutes so I can generally get them to focus for about 20 minutes of that time. But since they don't know a lot, I struggle trying to get them to repeat things that I'm saying. I do have some CDs that we sing songs to. Last Monday and today we sang "head, shoulders, knees, and toes." About 33% know the words, another 33% attempt to say a few things and point to the correct body part, and the last 33% runs around the classroom as I try to sing and get them to listen. It's definitely a challenge and my third class is the worst. They hate listening and have a 10 second attention span. Luckily no one is there to check up on me because I feel like there's not a whole lot I can do to get them to listen because of the language barrier. Hopefully it'll get better but I'm not counting on it. Thankfully I only see them on Mondays, so I get it out of the way at the beginning of the week.
I also just got sick and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt fine up until yesterday afternoon, but last night I got home from house church and could tell I was starting to get the flu - achy muscles, the shivers, and a cough. I have been trying to stay healthy, despite the cold and the fact that all my friends are sick, but I think it finally caught up to me. I haven't been sleeping well and running outside has been brutal. I didn't know it was possible to run against the wind in both directions, but apparently it is in Korea, so it makes running miserable and freezing. I'm supposed to run one more half marathon on Sunday, so I'm hoping I'll be able to do it. If not, I might just run the 10k.
On Wednesday night a bunch of my friends are going caroling on the subway. I hope I'll be able to make it after work if I'm feeling better. I can't wait to see the reactions we get! It should be pretty funny.
Sorry for the lack of posts lately. My schedule has been a little crazy this last week. I'll try to be better! Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays!
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